Just started as Assistant Professor “Design Aesthetics of Intelligent Adaptive Systems”, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)!
@entoptic.media | hi/at/jesse-benjamin.com | Résumé
I pursue a synthetic research approach combining design with philosophical analyses to unfold phenomena associated with emerging technologies; such as sense-making practices, design affordances, and how in particular technologies transform the appearance of the world and the things and people in it. I particularly enjoy deep dives into the past and present trajectories of technologies such as AI, and what traces from these tell us about the future such technologies will bring about. I publish at and review for ACM CHI, DIS, CSCW and GROUP; as well as the journals Technē, ToCHI, AI & Society and HCI. I am a member of the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Licenses (RAIL) inititative where I lead the Working Group “Tooling & Procedural Governance”, ACM SIGCHI as well as the Society for Philosophy of Technology.